Help Support Microenterprises!

By definition, microenterprises are very small businesses with fewer than five employees. They come in all types and many sizes including: small law firms with 2 attorneys and a paralegal, after-school tutors, corner groceries, independent truck drivers, carpenters, street vendors, and seamstresses. They contribute significantly to economic growth, social stability, and equity—yet they are the least supported among all business types with many social and economic structures stacked against them.
Your gift will support the growth, social stability, and equity of microenterprises. Help us provide the tools and resources they need to build a better future. Learn more…
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WERise is synonymous with women entrepreneurs rising with excellence. If you are an up-and-coming entrepreneur, active in the business community, a business owner, interested in professional development, or want to network with like-minded compassionate women, WERise programs are for you.
About Us
We are the longest standing non-profit organization in the Rochester community dedicated to creating, supporting, and transforming microenterprises. For more than 16 years, we have provided services for those seeking entrepreneurship opportunities. Our mission is to foster healthy community and neighborhood economic development and capacity building. We provide comprehensive holistic services for local entrepreneurs and neighborhoods to flourish.
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